Věda nás baví

Interactive and fun camps and clubs for children

Rodinné a firemní akce

Action - Events to order:

Do you think about funny and senseable programme for your birthday or company party?

Věda nás baví o.p.s. organizes events that might be ordered and that contribute to the well mood on party. All participants will be captured by a funny and interactive programme. It will be a pleasure for us to prepared the programme for you and due to arrange the unforgettable experience with a scientific life!

The well-experienced leaders teach regularly on our courses and therefore they know the secretes of science in the individual study subjects: chemistry, biology, physics, natural science and applied science.

How the programme looks like?

  • During the course all participants are sprej into the „scientific teams“ (3 – 5 members)
  • The scientific teams cooperate and do the experiments
  • Each person in team has specific role (head of a team, speaker, etc.)
  • The part of programme is final knowleadge competition
  • All experiements are fully safe

For who is the programme established?

  • for all probing children and adults
  • participants of birthday parties, common parties and company parties
  • groups for 5 to 20 participants (the number might be getting higher after both-sides agreement)

Where and how long the programme is running?

  • Celebration of birthdays, parties, company parties
  • The programme might be arranged both outsider or inside
  • Programme takes at least 2 hours
  • All-day programme might be organised as well


Link here.



Need help? Email us at info@vedanasbavi.cz

se na své životní cestě spojily, aby mohly dětem přinášet ještě více smysluplných a zábavných kroužků a táborů. Teď vše rychle a přehledně najdete na www.krouzky.cz

Probíhá přesměrování